5 ways to avoid water damage in your home

No one wants to take a day off to clean up after an unexpected bathroom flood and definitely no one wants to spend the hard-earned vacation money on fixing the water damage left behind by a burst pipe. 

Water damage is a homeowner’s worst nightmare, and, even though it might seem like they always happen out of nowhere, home floods and burst pipes are actually preventable. 

Here are 5 tips to keep your piping systems in good condition and reduce the odds of water damage to a minimum: 

Keep an eye on the water bill 

If your water bill is suspiciously high from one month to another even though you didn’t use more water than usual, that may a red flag indicating underlying water damage. When the water bill suddenly increases, there may a leak or burst pipe in a hard-to-reach area, such as the basement or the crawlspace. Inspect every inch of your home, or ask a plumber to do it for you, because you want to locate the source of the problem before it causes extensive damage. And get your water bill down to normal, of course! 

Have your pipes inspected every year 

If your plumbing system seems to be running smoothly, you may want to skip pipe inspection and focus on other parts of your home that need improvement, but that can be a huge mistake. Over time, pipes are affected by wear and tear so, without knowing, you may be dealing with rust, cracks, corrosions, and other issues that can slowly get worse and lead to water damage. Taking the time to check your pipes every year can save you a lot of money because it’s easier to pay for one replacement than for full restoration.   

Know where the water main is 

Some people live in a house for decades without knowing the location of the water main: aka, the main pipe in the water supply system, where you can stop the water flow. The shut-off valve is typically located inside your home, on the part that is facing the street. If you can’t find it, have a look at the property inspection report, because it should be mentioned there. Knowing the location of the water main is important because you can quickly shut off water supply in case of a flood to minimize water damage, but you can also shut it off when leaving the house for long periods of time and have the peace of mind that there won’t be a flood while you’re away. 

Upgrade the hoses on your appliances 

Although damaged pipes are usual suspects in home flooding scenarios, sometimes old appliance hoses can be to blame too. When you’re inspecting the pipes, make sure you have a look at the washing machine hoses too. If they seem old and brittle, replacing them can prevent a costly accident and even save you the money needed for a new appliance. 

Although accidents can always happen, following these five tips will help you reduce the likelihood of a home flood and save you money in the long run.

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